Trade & Investment


Trade Liberalization: De Jure and De Facto

More than a year and a half into his administration, President Biden has so far followed through on a key campaign pledge: to forego new trade deals that open U.S. …

Do We Need a Digital Bretton Woods?

The development of the Internet, and thus of the digital world, has had a transformative effect on the global economy. The transatlantic economy has been at the forefront of that …

Despite Challenges, the U.S. And EU Can Save the Rules-Based Economic Order and Redefine Globalization

First there was a trickle. After years of sounding the alarm about China’s use of forced labor, economic coercion, and unfair trade practices, the U.S. government has made steady but …

Globalization under Pressure: Danger for the German Economic Model?

The term globalization stands for an increasing economic and social interdependence worldwide. It is, or was, the result of three main factors: 1. the collapse of communism in Europe, the …

Friendshoring: Democracy or Diversity?

In an April 2, 1917 speech before Congress arguing for U.S. entry into World War I, President Woodrow Wilson famously declared that “the world must be made safe for democracy.” …

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The EU’s Old School Approach to Russian Oil

Over the last two years, the European Union has innovated in a remarkable fashion to strengthen both its internal and external roles as an economic actor. As the EU struggles …

The Potential Role of the U.S.-EU Trade and Technology Council in a Rapidly Changing Global Economic Order

In an important speech on April 13, U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen stated that “…the war between Russia and Ukraine has redrawn the contours of the world economic outlook.” Amid …

The West Should Stay Focused on Geoeconomic Rivalry with China

As China leveraged its state capitalist model to become a global superpower, it increasingly challenged the market-oriented basis of the liberal economic order founded by the United States and its …

Unforeseen Challenge for Germany’s G7 Presidency: Time for a Comprehensive Perspective

The Problem of Thinking in Silos In January 2022, the German government published its policy priorities for the G7-Presidency of this year. They are sensible and well placed. In fact, …

Why Some German Companies Are Struggling with the Ukraine Sanctions

Until Russia’s military invasion in Ukraine, many German companies used to have close ties with Russian companies and institutions. Some of them stem from the time of the USSR when …

Revoking Russia’s Trade Privileges

The System Worked Last Friday, the G7 and the European Union decided to revoke Russia’s “most favored nation” (MFN) status, or what is called “Permanent Normal Trade Relations” in the …

Rules or Tools?

The World Trade Organization, the hundreds of bilateral and regional trade agreements, and the more informal norms, principles, and frameworks that together form the global trading system are consistently referred …