European Union


2012: Between Doom and Hope

Alexander Privitera looks ahead to what we might expect for the continuation of the euro zone crisis in 2012. According to Mr. Privitera, while we may not witness a great start to the New Year, there is reason to believe things could change for the better.

Draghi to the Rescue

Alexander Privitera examines the new head of the ECB, Mario Draghi, since he took the helm of the Frankfurt based central bank. According the Mr. Privitera, Draghi has indeed acted boldly, but continues to stand firm in his decision to not allow the ECB to become the lender of last resort. Mr. Draghi is growing increasingly impatient with Europe’s leaders and expects them to finally act on their promises.

The Beginning of the End of the Road? Britain and the European Council meeting, 8/9 December 2011

What will the outcome of last week’s EU summit mean for the future of the UK’s position within the Union? According to Dr. Simon Green, Professor of Politics at Aston University, UK, it could spell disaster for Britain in the single market of the EU. In his essay entitled The Beginning of the End of the Road? Britain and the European Council meeting, 8/9 December 2011, originally published in Aston University’s Aston Centre for Europe blog, Dr. Green explains that Prime Minster David Cameron’s decision to exclude the UK from the EU’s new intergovernmental pact will alienate the UK from the Union more than ever before.

A New Dawn, or Just a New Phase of the Crisis?

Another EU summit, another plan to solve the debt crisis that fails to calm market fears. In his essay A New Dawn, or Just a New Phase of the Crisis?, Alexander Privitera, Washington-based Special Correspondent for the German news channel N24, examines the current state of the sovereign debt crisis following last week’s EU summit. According to Mr. Privitera, Angela Merkel’s continued unwillingness to openly discuss some of the proposed top options for solving the crisis is only fueling market concerns over the euro.

Heroine or Villain?

Following this week’s summit in Washington between U.S. and EU officials, it has become increasingly clear that only one actor truly has the ability to lead any solution to the debt crisis: Germany’s Angela Merkel. In his essay Heroine or Villain?, Alexander Privitera, Washington-based Special Correspondent for the German news channel N24 and frequent AICGS contributor, examines Chancellor Merkel’s actions in dealing with the crisis and lays out her available options.

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Of Cakes and Their Consumption – Reflections on the UK’s Position within the EU

UK Prime Minister David Cameron may be in for a not so warm welcome in his visit to Berlin this week. According to his essay “Of Cakes and their Consumption – Reflections on the UK’s Position within the EU,” Dr. Simon Green, Professor of Politics at Aston University, UK, and a frequent contributor to the AICGS Advisor, argues that EU member states are becoming increasingly frustrated with the UK’s approach toward the Union. What is said this weekend between Prime Minister Cameron and Chancellor Merkel could signal whether the UK is already being pushed to the periphery of the EU.

Time for Economic Offense

With high unemployment and low growth in both the U.S. and the EU, the current euro zone crisis has made it abundantly clear that both economies truly depend on one another. According to his essay Time for Economic Offense, originally published by the German Marshall Fund of the United States, Bruce Stokes, Senior Transatlantic Fellow at the GMF and regular AICGS program participant and contributor, argues that now is the time for leaders from both sides to take the necessary steps towards collective increases in trade and growth.

Germany: Inactive but Indispensable?

In this week’s At Issue, Executive Director Jack Janes examines the challenges Chancellor Merkel faces at home and in Europe with her style of leadership, while Germany is increasingly becoming the focus of Europe’s euro crisis.

Deutschlands Außenpolitik aus europäischer Perspektive

Could Germany be holding Europe back from presenting a clear-cut foreign policy? In a commentary originally published with the Körber Stiftung entitled Deutschlands Außenpolitik aus europäischer Perspektive, Dr. Ulrich Speck, …

Is Europe’s Troubled Marriage Doomed?

In his essay Is Europe’s Troubled Marriage Doomed?, Stefan Theil, Newsweek’s Berlin Bureau Chief and AICGS contributor, analyzes the effects of the divide between Europe’s states to the north and those to south on the ongoing debt crisis. By also explaining the euro zone crisis in an American context, he looks to build an understanding of how the crisis started, as well as what it could mean for the feeble U.S. economic recovery.

Nightmare in Rome

Will Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi resign as promised, and if so, what will become of Italy in his wake? Born and raised in Rome, Alexander Privitera, Washington based Special Correspondent for the German news channel N24 and frequent AICGS contributor, attempts to explain what the likely scenario could be if, and when, Berlusconi steps down in his essay Nightmare in Rome. Having witnessed his rise to power in the 90s, Mr. Privitera argues that Prime Minster Berlusconi’s fall from power will lead Italy down a tough and uncertain road.

The EU Emissions Trading System and the Upcoming Inclusion of the Aviation Sector

While the aviation sector had been exempt from the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS), in January 2012 the EU ETS will be expanded to fully include international flights arriving at or departing from an EU airport. This AICGS Spotlight provides background information on the issue, implications for Germany, the United States, and transatlantic relations as well as potential future development.