

Strengthening Transatlantic Ties on Digital Topics: Quick transatlantic wins in times of political uncertainty

It is beyond doubt that transatlantic relations are not in their best condition, in particular traditional areas of cooperation such as trade or security and defense. There is no real …

Who Belongs to the “We”? Ideas for a Jamaica Coalition

Scroll down to read the full commentary in German. As something of an exotic combination, a Jamaica coalition (CDU-CSU-FDP-Greens) could have the potential to staunch the chorus of outrage coming …

Herero Activists in the United States: Demanding Recognition and Reparation for the First Genocide of the Twentieth Century

Between 1904 and 1908, over 100 000 people were killed in the first genocide of the twentieth century.[1]  Only 20 percent of the Herero and about 50 percent of the …

Harnessing the Power of Civil Society

In 2012, the short documentary “Kony 2012” by the NGO Invisible Children created a social media blitz and massive public support for intervention against the warlord Joseph Kony in Uganda. …

Exploring Immigration and Integration Initiatives in the United States

AGI Minority Exchange Program The German-American youth exchange program on the theme “Immigration, Integration, and a New Transatlantic Generation” is an innovative program which establishes new connections between communities that …

Buyer’s Remorse? Germans Unhappy with their Choice but Support a Jamaica Coalition

A first post-election poll published by Forschungsgruppe Wahlen reveals three important findings regarding the German public’s assessment of the choices they made in the Bundestag election. General dissatisfaction with the …

2017 Annual Development Report of Germany

An AGI essay “A New Narrative for German-American Relations” by Dr. Jackson Janes and Mr. Yixiang Xu is now published in the “2017 Annual Development Report of Germany” in Mandarin …

Out of Four, One? Why Germany’s “Impossible” Coalition Just Might Work

“Everything must change so that everything can stay the same.” So wrote Lampedusa in The Leopard about a Sicilian aristocracy coping with revolutions in nineteenth century Italy. But this phrase …

Documenting German and Japanese War Crimes prior to 1945: The UN War Crimes Commission

Dan Plesch’s new book, Human Rights after Hitler: The Lost History of Prosecuting Axis War Crimes, sheds light on the existence of a little-known agency founded amid the atrocities of …

German Election Results Highlight Old Divides Between East And West

Featuring Jack Janes via NPR on September 26, 2017.

Transatlantic Implications of the 2017 German Federal Election

The results of the German election will have important implications for Europe and the transatlantic relationship. Here is a first take on what this means for transatlantic relations. Chancellor Merkel …

The Heat: German Election

Featuring Jack Janes via CGTN America on September 25, 2017.