Europe & Eurasia


Relevancy of Apprenticeships

During our apprenticeship tour of Germany, France, and the UK, I was impressed at the respect that the general population held for apprenticeship programs. One of our taxi drivers in …

Who Is an Apprentice?

While our focus in Europe has been on the broad structure of apprenticeship systems, we should not lose sight of the apprentices themselves. Many times we have been told “no …

Can Germany Reconcile the Western Balkans?

In April 2013, Serbia and Kosovo signed an agreement that enabled a rapprochement between the two sides, including an understanding that they will not block each other’s bid for European …

The Katyn Massacre: Half a Century of Lies and the Search for Truth

Borrowing institutionally from the German-Polish case, Polish-Russian reconciliation had been making small, tentative steps until the crisis in and over Ukraine. There is some effort to continue civil society interaction, …

First Impressions of French Apprenticeships

As part of the AGI site visit tour, my colleagues and I spent our first day in Paris getting an in-depth view of the French apprenticeship system. We started off at …

Post-Soviet Apprenticeship

After the hustle and bustle of the capital city, our train passed through the countryside. Small family farms with goats abutted a busy railway. Our destination also lay in between …

2009 and 2014: Reflections

Time flies.  I am struck by how recent the events of the twentieth anniversary of the Mauerfall feel.  A rainy, but magical, memory. At first blush, 2009 seems a more …

Trading French Reform for German Investment: A Win-Win for Berlin and the Eurozone

As economic growth in Germany falls short and French prospects begin looking up, now is the time for a new Grand Bargain over debt and reform in the Euro Zone. AICGS Non-Resident Fellow Peter Rashish details the impact of French President Francois Hollande’s recent successes in economic reform, including removing left-wing cabinet members from office.

Späte Reue, Stefan Baron

Writing a book about one’s own boss is a difficult task under any circumstance. The exercise is particularly tricky if the person in question is a highly controversial banker; if …

Maximalist, Stephen Sestanovich

Amid all the heated debates about the role of the United States in the current global morass of crises, the battle lines in America might fall between those who call …

Beyond Sanctions: The Ukraine Crisis as Demonstration of Power and Purpose

This week in Germany was not like last week. This week, both the popular mood as well as the political messages sent signals that Germans have had enough from Vladimir …

Europe: Is There a Light at the End of the Tunnel?

Thanks to the actions taken by the European Central Bank (ECB) in 2012, the euro crisis is over. But the damage inflicted to the real economy will take years to …