
The AGI Geoeconomics Program promotes original thinking and debate on U.S., German, and EU global economic strategy with a focus on ways that trade, climate, financial, and technology policies can advance their shared interests, prosperity, and values.

Austerity – The Key to Europe’s Prosperity or the Nail in Its Coffin?

Angela Merkel, the German chancellor, is under fire. Hardly anyone likes the “German Way” of dealing with the euro crisis. But unless manna falls from heaven for Germans or we …

Housing Beyond Profit: A Comparison of U.S. and German Alternative Ownership Models

In recent years the shortcomings of both the market and of the state in providing decent housing for everyone has become particularly apparent. On the one hand housing, until recently …

Spain, Italy, Germany Come to Deal after Euro Summit

Signaling a new direction in Europe’s efforts to stem the sovereign debt crisis, Germany, Spain, Italy, and other euro zone member states reached a deal to recapitalize Spanish banks with …

The U.S. and German Health Care Systems after the Health Care Decision: Not Much Closer

On June 28, the Supreme Court announced its decision to uphold all of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), including the controversial requirement for individuals to purchase health …

Access, Quality, and Affordability in Health Care in Germany and the United States

Policy Report 51 Despite dramatic differences in the history of their health care systems, the United States and Germany face similar challenges in improving the quality of care while simultaneously …

Germany and the United States at Rio +20

In planning last week’s United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, Rio +20, organizers sought to bring together the public, private, and NGO sectors for a constructive dialogue on sustainability and …

Linking Payment and Quality of Health Care in Germany and the U.S. – Lessons Learned and Future Perspectives

Increasing health care spending in the United States as well as in Germany raises a fundamental question of whether health care is of sufficiently high value, given its costs.

At a Snail’s Pace

AGI Trustee John Kornblum recently published a piece in the Handelsblatt examining Europe’s response to the ongoing crisis surrounding the monetary union. According the Mr. Kornblum, while European leaders like …

Beyond Domestic Politics: Energy Policy in the Transatlantic Relationship

On June 18, Philipp Rösler, Chairman of the FDP and German Minister of Economics and Technology, opened a visit to Washington, DC, with a speech on the three issues at …

What Does She Want?

I was speaking with a German friend at a European think tank a few days ago. He was swamped with press inquiries. “Journalists only want to know one thing,” he …

Europe’s Tightening Window of Opportunity

Joining the growing number of high profile warnings on the future of the European and world economies, World Bank researchers gravely take note of the euro zone’s eroding gross domestic …