Security & Defense

German-American defense and security ties and the NATO alliance are critical to meeting modern threats. Moving past the traditional threats found in earlier years, today’s concerns range from rouge states, to cybersecurity, to terrorism, and more. German-American cooperation is essential.

Obama and Merkel in Berlin: News Roundup

President Obama made his final trip overseas as president this week, meeting with his trusted partner, German chancellor Angela Merkel.  AGI has compiled a brief reading list of news from the …

Options for a Larger German Role to Help with the Iraqi Displacement Crisis

Addressing civilians’ needs in Iraq remains a key task of the U.S.-led Global Coalition against the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) especially amid ongoing military operations and …

German Space Exploration and International Cooperation

On September 30, 2016, the Rosetta space mission came to an end. The mission, run by the European Space Agency (ESA), represented one of the most dramatic space achievements in …

Millennials and Germany’s New Security Policy

In recent years, profound changes in the European security environment have sparked vigorous debate in Germany on how best to respond, calling into question the status quo of the country’s …

The Crisis of Liberal Order

The liberal world order, a system based on open borders and open societies, is increasingly under attack. In the past, it was mainly left-wing anti-capitalists and right-wing nationalists who fulminated …

Combating Terrorism and German Security Policy

Introduction The 2016 White Paper on German security policy is first and foremost a document reflecting a growing sense of realism with regard to the complex nature of the new …

“Considerate and Determined”: Germany’s Pragmatic Approach to Combatting Terrorism?

Germany has not yet experienced major coordinated terror incidents of the type that has hit the United States, Belgium, France, Turkey, and other countries. Two Islamist terror attacks in Bavaria, …

The Amerexit

As I write in mid-July 2016, all the Transatlantic chatterati can seem to talk and write about—except when temporarily interrupted by terrorist outrages like the one at the Istanbul airport …

Leadership Profile: BND President Dr. Bruno Kahl

Dr. Bruno Kahl became president of Germany’s Federal Intelligence Service (Bundesnachrichtendienst – BND) on 1 July 2016, replacing Gerhard Schindler about two years ahead of his expected retirement. As head …

Brexit and German-Russian Relations

What are the implications of Britain leaving the EU for Germany in the context of its relations with Russia? First, chancellor Merkel is losing an important ally in the EU …

Surveillance in the cyber sphere: In an age of terror, should privacy always be negotiable?

Hours after the Orlando shooting, the world knew where Omar Mateen had taken his cell phone in the days and months before the massacre. To Disney World with his son, …

The U.S.-German Security Partnership in Afghanistan: Lessons for Future Missions and the Role of Germany in the Alliance

Military and civilian reconstruction engagement in Afghanistan has had a significant impact on U.S.-German relations. Whilst the United States and overall NATO engagements have received much attention in international media …