Foreign Policy

Today, Germany stands at the center of Europe and is the most influential member of the European Union. Germany is a key partner of the U.S. in its most important international relationships. There is no other country with which the U.S. shares a stronger mix of interests and values on twenty-first century challenges.

Facing the Future: Germany and the U.S. in a Transforming World

Those who remember the heady days of 1989 in Europe will recall a breathtakingly fast pace of change. The chain of events in Eastern Europe seemed like a volcanic eruption of citizens and governments—an eruption that would change the contours of the continent in ways many had hoped for, but few expected in their lifetimes. In retrospect, it was in large measure set in motion by ordinary citizens who changed the course of history. The ripples of those days are still being felt today—a quarter of a century later.

The Beijing–Berlin Connection

It is peak tourist season in China for European leaders. Shortly after the first bailout package to Greece in 2010, German Chancellor Angela Merkel celebrated her 56th birthday with Xi’an’s …

Eyeing Business Opportunities in Iran: Germany Caught between China and the U.S.

Days after the announcement of the historic nuclear deal with Iran, German Vice Chancellor and Minister of Economic Affairs and Energy Sigmar Gabriel found himself in Tehran, with a delegation …

The Myth of a Mighty Germany

This June, the G-7 will meet in an opulent castle near Germany’s highest mountain, the Zugspitze. It was initially built, according to the host’s website, for an “egocentric zealot” who …

AGI President Jackson Janes discusses NSA on ZDF

AGI President Jack Janes joined a panel of experts to discuss NSA surveillance in Germany and Europe  in a program titled “Paradies für US-Spione: Wie halfen Regierung und BND?” Find out more …

Reducing Vulnerability: A Transatlantic Approach to Energy Security

Policy Report 60 Energy security has become a major concern for the transatlantic community in the twenty-first century. In Europe, Russia’s seizure of the Crimean peninsula has renewed focus on …

Channel Crossings: British Choices Ahead

As Chancellor Angela Merkel tries to hold the European Union together in dealing with the turmoil around Greece, Cyprus, and Hungary flirting with Moscow amid the myriad other centrifugal forces …

Germany’s Policy Preoccupations: Taking Stock Ahead of the German Foreign Policy Review

Last year, German foreign minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier requested a review of Germany’s foreign policy by a wide range of German and non-German foreign policy experts. The results of that review …

Germany’s Moment

The Munich Security Conference this year found a German leadership comfortable with its new role in the world, but not without its critics. In the year since President Gauck announced …