Episode 97: LGBTQ+ Spaces, Public Art, and Memory
Public memorials have many functions: honoring victims, acknowledging history, or symbolizing values. After the 2016 mass shooting at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida, the site was transformed into an …

AGI Experts Preview Merkel’s Visit to Washington
Securing a Transatlantic Legacy Jeff Rathke, President Chancellor Merkel makes her last official visit to Washington just weeks before the September 26 Bundestag election will punctuate her path-breaking career as …

Integration Interrupted?
Some Effects of COVID-19 in Germany During the Coronavirus pandemic, the issues surrounding refugees, immigration, and integration have largely receded into the background in both Germany and the United States. …

The Central Council of Jews in Germany: A Success Story Against All Odds
The Central Council of Jews in Germany (Zentralrat der Juden in Deutschland) turned seventy this summer. Founded in Frankfurt in July 1950, the Central Council represents the interest of the …

Countering Racism and Anti-Extremism in Germany
On May 20, just days before the United States became engulfed in another serious crisis over the issue of racism and racial violence, the first meeting of the German federal …

Quo Vadis CDU: Left, Middle, or Right?
When Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer (AKK,) the CDU party leader and presumed successor to Angela Merkel as chancellor, announced her resignation from her role as CDU party chairwoman on February 8, 2020, speculation about …