European Union


Germany’s Sleepy but Significant Election

In this recent essay, frequent AGI contributor and Peterson Institute for International Economics Senior Fellow Dr. Jacob Funk Kirkegaard highlights the general consensus on economic policy issues that matter to …

Drahgi’s Take on Current Affairs

As G-20 leaders gathered in St. Petersburg and grappled with the question of what to do about Syria, the head of the European Central Bank (ECB), Mario Draghi, tried to …

Syrian Hell: Why We Must Not Forget the Lessons from Bosnia

This essay by AICGS Trustee Wolfgang Ischinger argues that recent memory of Afghanistan and Iraq mislead expectations from more analogous conflicts, such as Bosnia in 1995, and that this “Problem from Hell” is, again, no excuse to ignore the already weak norm of Responsibility to Protect.

Staring at the Fed

As U.S. investors and economists continue to debate the wisdom of the Federal Reserve’s unconventional monetary policies and the timing of the gradual exit from them, all is quiet on …

Ghosts of the Habsburg Empire: Lessons for the Euro Zone

Writing in East European Politics and Societies and Cultures, Dr. Stephen G. Gross and Dr. S. Chase Gummer draw on this historical case of a collapsing currency union to caution …

A Month to Go: The Lull before the German Elections

With only slightly more than a month left before Germans go to the polls to elect a new Bundestag, the mood across Europe seems to be shifting from decidedly gloomy …

A Dispatch from the Frontline

So far the European summer is proving to be a far cry from last year’s panicky crisis mode. The euro zone is still intact. The latest available data point to …

A Summer of Anxious Anticipation in the Euro Zone

Frequent contributor and participant at AGI, Dr. Jacob Kirkegaard recently detailed his analysis of summer developments in the euro zone crisis. Connecting developments as diverse as German politicians’ pre- and …

Results of the Transatlantic Risk Governance Survey

In this recently published working paper from the project “New Systemic Risks: Challenges and Opportunities for Transatlantic Cooperation,” Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP) Project Director and AGI Non-Resident Fellow Dr. …

TTIP Negotiations: First Round Washington, DC

Background It is easy to be pessimistic about the EU and U.S. negotiations of the transatlantic trade and investment partnership. Previous initiatives to improve the regulatory cooperation between the EU …

Monitoring the Negotiations on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership Agreement

Issues and Key Perspectives at the Start of the Negotiations On July 8, 2013, the negotiations on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) began in Washington, DC. This marks …

Bringing Back Growth

The topics of central banking and increased growth/free trade within the realm of transatlantic relations have garnered plenty of headlines. Nevertheless, the debates surrounding the role of central banks in …