With Trump, the U.S. Foreign Policy Framework is at Risk

Robert B. Zoellick
Robert B. Zoellick was lead U.S. negotiator in the Two-plus-Four process of German unification. He served as U.S. trade representative and U.S. deputy secretary of state during Republican administrations, as well as president of the World Bank. He is a former AICGS Trustee.
Now that president-elect Donald Trump has selected his national security team, what course will he set? In a recent interview Henry Kissinger, the US secretary of state in the 1970s, cautions that “America has conceived of foreign policy as a series of discrete challenges to be addressed as they arise on their merits rather than as part of an overall design”. Mr Trump, the deal-by-deal negotiator, may prefer to run a case-by-case foreign policy. Continue reading at the Financial Times.
Robert Zoellick is a former AGI Trustee. He is a former president of the World Bank, U.S. trade representative, and deputy secretary of state.