ISNA Annual Conference: One Nation Under God: Striving for the Common Good

Building a Smarter German-American Partnership

As part of the Institute’s effort to spark a dialogue among the American and German Muslim communities, AGI was pleased to sponsor a German participant at the Islamic Society of North America’s annual conference from August 31 to September 3, 2012.  Mr. Hakan Tosuner has studied political science, economics, and law at the University of Frankfurt and the University of Wisconsin. His research interests are religious and ethnic minorities in Europe, EU-Turkey relations, and relations between the EU and the Middle East. Currently, he is working on his dissertation project, which deals with the phenomenon of Islamophobia in Germany. Mr. Tosuner is also a researcher in the project “The semantics of tolerance and (anti-)racism in Europe” at the Viadrina Universität in Frankfurt/Oder. He is a trainer for religious diversity and works with Muslim youth within the project “JUMA – Jung, muslimisch, aktiv” in Berlin.