A Spirit of Reason – Festschrift for Steven Muller


Building a Smarter German-American Partnership

In Memory of Steven Mullerstevenmuller

Former President of Johns Hopkins University and Co-Chairman of AGI Steven Muller died on January 19, 2013. He left behind a rich tapestry of accomplishments and many friends worldwide. In 2004 AGI published a testimonial to Steve and we present it again here in honor of a man whose leadership and vision helped found the Institute thirty years ago. We owe him in so many ways and we will honor his legacy with our continued commitment to the work of AGI.

Steven Muller has lived his own rich life as an individual. Yet he has also lived an epoch of world history. As Thomas Mann wrote, “A man lives not only his personal life as an individual, but also, consciously or unconsciously, the life of his epoch and his contemporaries.” This describes the life of Steven Muller.

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Click here for Dr. Muller’s tribute from the Johns Hopkins University