Germans Continue to Lead in the Response to the Migration Crisis

Jessica Hart

Jessica Hart

Director, Finance and Operations

Jessica Hart is the Director of Finance and Operations at AICGS. She has held a number of roles at AICGS, including Financial Officer, Communications Officer, and Research Program Coordinator. Before joining AICGS, Ms. Hart worked at the OSU Foreign Language Center, for an Ohio senatorial campaign, and at the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy in Berlin.

Ms. Hart holds an MA in Political Science from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, a BA in Political Science and International Studies from The Ohio State University, and a graduate certificate in Nonprofit Management from Johns Hopkins University.

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As reported by The Washington Post, Germans, “to a far greater extent than the British, the French or others, have opened their hearts — and wallets. According to a poll commissioned by the German public broadcaster ARD and released on Thursday, 88 percent said they would donate money or clothes to refugees or have already done so, while 67 percent said they would volunteer to help. Only 33 percent of those asked said Germany should take less refugees, compared with 37 percent who said they could take in as many as there are now, and 22 percent who said Germany should take more.”

Much of this is driven by the stance taken by Chancellor Angela Merkel, who continues to welcome refugees and migrants into the country, while also calling on her European counterparts to open their doors and wallets.  In a recent interview with Berliner Morgenpost (in German), Merkel insists that European immigration policies aren’t working, and a new EU-wide plan is needed.

The views expressed are those of the author(s) alone. They do not necessarily reflect the views of the American-German Institute.